Centre for the Study of Politics and Governance was established in 2019. It is a Delhi-based think tank set up by the collaboration of a wide range of intellectuals and other professionals from various disciplines. It aims to bring innovative minds from various fields to ideate on the issues of public policies relating to social, political, economic, legal scientific, and environmental issues and to offer innovative, effective, and enduring policy solutions for the operative functioning of the public institutions. Indeed, it investigates the nature, role, and significance of civil and political society as these affect the quality of life of the people. The Centre encourages efforts to revive and reinvigorate the role of youth in civil society and political society.
CSPG provides consultancy services, research assistance, project appraisals, etc. to scholars, researchers and organisations in consonance with the basic ideals of the centre. It presents opinion and views at appropriate public forums, for example at public hearing of parliamentary committees/ bodies inviting public opinion, etc.
Centre for the study of Politics and governance, in its various forms and at different sites, is central to several contemporary issues: the reform of public institutions and public law; the creation and establishment of procedures and rules that lead to greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability; and the challenge of making governance more inclusive and participatory through the strengthening of democracy and civil society.and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.